Our services cover the full spectrum from preliminary design to asset upcycling.
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Environmental Monitoring and Auditing
- Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
- Strategic planning and visioning
- Due Diligence before and after mergers and acquisitions
- Transportation and infrastructure expertise
- Climate Change
- Green projects e.g. carbon foot-printing
- Expert advice to Boards, and C-suite
- Expert consulting and referral
- Investment advice
- Judicial Reviews
We successfully apply the non-linear thinking in human systems productivity to leverage existing ESG systems when devising social strategy and programmes for clients. Our social expertise covers:
- Stakeholder mapping and prioritization
- Stakeholder engagement
- Meeting facilitation
- Supply chain involvement
- Reputation management
Our governance expertise covers a range of issues where robust ESG systems provides a leadership role in development:
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Sustainability reporting
- Standards (GRI, ISO, SASB, BSi, AA etc.)
- Ratings (DJSI, FTSE4Good, HSSI etc.)
- Materiality Assessment
- C-Suite intelligence